Saw Palmetto Max V (Prostate) by Douglas Labs
Health Function: Male Specialties, prostate.
Rich source of fatty acids and phytosterois. One Vegetarian Capsule Contains: Saw Palmetto .... 160 mg. (Serenoa serrulata, Serenoa repens, Sabal serulata) Standardized to 30% free fatty acids (North American Atlantic Coast) in a 100 mg. base of non-standardized Saw Palmetto. Each bottle contains 60 capsules.
As men age, the function of their prostate gland tends to change. This change during the normal aging process can cause alterations in the functioning of urinary health, including hesitancy, urgency, and increased frequency of urination.
Studies indicate that saw palmetto may be able to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to its more active and potentially deleterious form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), via inhibition of alpha-5-reductase. Saw palmetto not only inhibits the binding of DHT to cellular receptors, but also has alpha1-adrenoceptor-inhibitory properties.
Rich source of fatty acids and phytosterois. One Vegetarian Capsule Contains: Saw Palmetto .... 160 mg. (Serenoa serrulata, Serenoa repens, Sabal serulata) Standardized to 30% free fatty acids (North American Atlantic Coast) in a 100 mg. base of non-standardized Saw Palmetto. Each bottle contains 60 capsules.
As men age, the function of their prostate gland tends to change. This change during the normal aging process can cause alterations in the functioning of urinary health, including hesitancy, urgency, and increased frequency of urination.
Studies indicate that saw palmetto may be able to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to its more active and potentially deleterious form, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), via inhibition of alpha-5-reductase. Saw palmetto not only inhibits the binding of DHT to cellular receptors, but also has alpha1-adrenoceptor-inhibitory properties.