Back And Neck Relief By Nature'S Rite - Package Of 2

Back And Neck Relief By Nature'S Rite - Package Of 2

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Total Price:$39.95
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Back and Neck Relief™ by Nature's Rite - Package of 2

Is neck pain or tension headaches making your day difficult?

The causes vary – a poor mattress, incorrect posture, muscle tension, sudden movements or stress. Back and Neck Relief ™ addresses back and neck pain by healing the tissues causing pain. You get relief…naturally.


  • Cramp Bark
  • Lavender Bud and Peppermint – relax the skeletal muscles that cause back and neck discomfort.

  • St. John’s Wort – quiets over-active and irritated nerves to reduce pain signals

  • Arnica Montana and White Willow – traditional analgesics to reduce discomfort.

  • Comfrey and Arnica – support tissue repair

    Back and Neck Relief (3 oz.) Each
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