Pro Lymphatic Drainer 1 Oz By Newton Pro
Newton Pro PRO Lymphatic Drainer 1 oz
Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as swollen glands and sluggish elimination.
Product Info
Active IngredientAsterias rubens 15x,
Aur. met. 15x, Belladonna 15x
Benzoicum acidum 15x,
Berber. vulg. 15x,
Bryonia 15x,
Calc. carb. 15x,
Cantharis 15x,
Ceanothus 15x,
Chelidonium majus 15x,
Chionanthus virginico 15x,
Chinchona 15x,
Dioscorea 15x,
Iris versicolor 15x,
Nat. carb. 15x,
Nux Yom. 15x, Ptelea 15x,
Carduus mar. 3x,
Echinacea 3x,
Solidago 3x,
Taraxacum 3x.
Inactive Ingredients:
USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane dispensing alcohol 20%.
Dietary Considerations Gluten Free
Suggested Use
ORAL USE ONLY· SHAKE WELL. Adults, take 6 drops orolly at bedtime or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Homeopathic. Formulated for symptoms such as swollen glands and sluggish elimination.
Product Info
Active Ingredient
Dietary Considerations
Suggested Use
ORAL USE ONLY· SHAKE WELL. Adults, take 6 drops orolly at bedtime or as directed by a healthcare professional.