Phoschol PPC 3000 Mg 16 Oz
PhosChol provides the building blocks essential to cellular membrane repair, regeneration, and function.
The Gold Standard:
The first and only 100% pure source of Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC). Delivers 3 grams of purified PPC per measured teaspoon of liquid concentrate. Contains up to 52% DLPC. May enhance cell membrane related physiological processes. Bio-available (greater than 90% absorption) and contains no other phosphatides that compete for absorption.
The Gold Standard:
The first and only 100% pure source of Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC). Delivers 3 grams of purified PPC per measured teaspoon of liquid concentrate. Contains up to 52% DLPC. May enhance cell membrane related physiological processes. Bio-available (greater than 90% absorption) and contains no other phosphatides that compete for absorption.