Eczema~Skin Care 1 Oz By Newton Pro

Eczema~Skin Care 1 Oz By Newton Pro

Total Price:$26.00
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PRO Eczema~Skin Care 1 oz by Newton Pro

Homeopathic Remedy

Formulated for symptoms associated with:
  • seborrhea
  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • cellulitis
  • dermatitis
  • lichen planus
  • and other skin-related conditions.

    Active Ingredients:

    Antimon. crud. 20x, Arsenicum alb. 20x, Berber. vulg. 20x, Bovista 20x, Bryonia 2Ox, Cantharis 2Ox, Chelidonium majus 20x, Croton 20x, Dulcamara 20x, Graphites 20x, Hepar sulph. calc. 20x, lycopodium 20x, Mezereum 20x, Nux vom. 20x, Petroleum 20x, Pulex irritans 20x, Pulsatilla 20x, Rhus toxicodendron 20x, Sarsaparilla 20x, Sepia 20x, Sulphur iod. 20x, Echinacea 8x, Rumex crisp. 8x, Taraxacum 8x, Urtico ur. 8x, Echinacea 3x, Rumex crisp. 3x, Taraxacum 3x, Urtico ur. 3x. Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water;
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