Hawthorne Max-V by Douglas Labs
Hawthorne Max-V
Rich in flavonoids
Hawthorne Max-V vegetarian capsules provide a
significant quantity of the flowering tops and berries of
the hawthorn tree, Crataegus oxyacantha, standardized
to 2% vitexin-2" rhamnoside. Rich in bioflavonoids,
extract of hawthorn has been known for centuries as a
potent cardiovascular tonic, improving the function of
the heart and circulatory system.
Hawthorn's berries and flowering tops have been
used medicinally for close to two millennia as a
treatment for digestive problems, kidney and bladder
stones, and as a diuretic. Only recently has
hawthorn's cardioprotective benefits been
recognized. Today hawthorn is perceived, especially
in Europe, as a prime supplement for healthy
cardiovascular support.
The cardiotherapeutic properties of hawthorn are due
to its high content of many biologically active
flavonoid compounds, including anthocyanidins,
proanthocyanidins, quercetin, vitexin, vitexin
ramnoside, as well as catechin and epicatechin.
Hawthorn extract has been shown in human as well
as animal studies to improve circulation by dilating
coronary blood vessels. Dilation of these blood
vessels consequently increases blood, and thus
oxygen supply to the heart. Components of hawthorn
extract have also been demonstrated to inhibit
angiotensin-converting enzyme, thus reducing blood
vessel constriction.
Hawthorn extract normalizes heart rate, as well as
providing a positive inotropic effect. These properties
of hawthorn, together with its vasodilatory and
diuretic effects, are the basis for its use in
cardiovascular support.
Hawthorne Vcaps™ vegetarian capsules may be a
useful nutritional adjunct for those who wish to
support their heart and circulatory system.
FORMULA (#77347)
Each Vcaps™ Vegetarian Capsule Contains:
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)..............250 mg
Standardized to 2% vitexin-2" rhamnoside
(England, Europe, North America)
In a 100 mg base of non-standardized Hawthorn
Adults take 1 capsule daily between meals or as
directed by physician.